Config to drop one specific requestor domain from responses

We’re taking email from a call centre into queues but want to prevent RT
from autoresponding to requestors @ the call centre’s domain. I’ve been
all over Google and have tried using mailertables but this results in no
email being issued at all. The queues’ (auto)response will contain
cc:'s for registered watchers, so they need to see the autoreponse in
order to reply, just minus requestor@domain. Has anyone any idea at all
re how to set this up? I’m quite inexperienced with sendmail and
procmail so something as near as possible to directly usable would be
greatly sppreciated.


  • c sawyer

Hi Calvin,

We’re taking email from a call centre into queues but want to prevent RT
from autoresponding to requestors @ the call centre’s domain. I’ve been
all over Google and have tried using mailertables but this results in no
email being issued at all. The queues’ (auto)response will contain
cc:'s for registered watchers, so they need to see the autoreponse in
order to reply, just minus requestor@domain. Has anyone any idea at all
re how to set this up? I’m quite inexperienced with sendmail and
procmail so something as near as possible to directly usable would be
greatly sppreciated.

If you are purely trying to prevent the auto reply going back then you
simply need to modify the AutoReply scrip to use a custom condition
rather than the default.

I use a custom condition similar to the following:

# Addresses we don't want to auto replies to. my @addresses = ('');
if($self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Create") {
    # Check to see if this address is exempt
    foreach my $a (@addresses) {
        if(lc($self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses) eq $a) {
            return 0;
    return 1;

return 0;

Might be worth tweaking it to be a regexp compare, then you can put
more interesting things in @addresses such as the whole domain or
indeed whatever takes your fancy.

I have two scrips rather than the default one to ensure that Ccs get
the autoreply too:

On CustomCondition Notify Ccs with template Autoreply
On CustomCondition Autoreply To Requestors with template Autoreply

Hope this helps, or points you in the right direction.

Regards, Ian.