Cloning queue on 3.8.x

Hi all and TomL

is look interesting to have the possibility to clone a queue: expecially as
configuration template trip:
create a “configuration” queue as a template and then always clone from it
to create more
queues with same configuration (and then, if needed change only what shall
be changed).
This seems to be useful to create “families” of queues…

on is standing che
script doesnt work on 3.8.8.
I’m running 3.8.8, how to clone ?


Fabrizio Sebastiani - mobile: +39.328.3139798
(A) pii sorsi + deflagranti optO

Hi all,

i’ve done some digging since we are having the need to alter / edit
stuff within RT programatically via the built-in CLI.

However, I find the general documentation sparse and can only agree with
previous questions which have gone unanswered / unsolved.

Modifying stuff such as rights for a user should be possible with CLI,
but syntax and method is still unknown (at least to me) after a close
look at things.

What we (and basically other users) need would be the approach to add
users to specific groups and modify access rights for those groups (its
a pain to clicky clicky on the web-interface for admins).

I understand that the CLI is basically a wrapper for the underlying perl
code. I would rather use the CLI to be database conform / rt conform
than devising a way to solve my problems in an unclean way.
Please update / tell us more about solving things via the CLI.

Updating the Wiki may be also a good step, but that can also be done by
me, once the general approach / scope is clear.

e.g. References:
Batch Rights modification with CLI;#90712
Dec 10, 2009, 6:49 AM
Using CLI to modify group rights on a queue - is it possible?;#84106Mar
20, 2009, 9:44 AM



I might be wrong but I don’t think the cli cater for rights (groups or users),
I find the clicky clicky web interface annoying in particular when adding few users or few groups etc etc … and to avoid that I ‘ve written scripts using the rt api (so its database/rt conformed) ….
My scripts are heavily customised for our business , I am willing to share but I would need to do a lot of stripping first, to save my time if you want to have a go yourself I use:

sub Addtogroup {
my $uid = shift ; #This should be the user id , so you need to pull it out using RT::User->new(RT::SystemUser)->Load
my $group = “Group_NAME_HERE”;
my $g = RT::Group->new(RT::SystemUser);
unless ($g->id) {
print “error loading group \n”;
return undef;
my ($gidm,$msg) = $g->AddMember($uid);
if ($gidm == 0) {
print “error adding user to group $msg\n”;
return 1;

And for rights, I have something like:

my @rights = (‘DeleteTicket’,‘AssignCustomFields’,‘OwnTicket’,‘TakeTicket’);
my $qobject = new RT::Queue(RT::SystemUser);
my $gobject = new RT::Group (RT::SystemUser);
my $gid = $gobject->Id;
my $principal = RT::Principal->new($RT::SystemUser);

foreach my $right (@rights) {
next unless ($right);
my ($val, $msg) = $principal->GrantRight(Object => $qobject, Right => $right);
push (@results, $msg);

RoyFrom: [] On Behalf Of Lars Reimann

Sent: 01 March 2011 13:30
Subject: [rt-users] Modifying stuff with CLI, especially rights

Hi all,

i’ve done some digging since we are having the need to alter / edit stuff within RT programatically via the built-in CLI.

However, I find the general documentation sparse and can only agree with previous questions which have gone unanswered / unsolved.

Modifying stuff such as rights for a user should be possible with CLI, but syntax and method is still unknown (at least to me) after a close look at things.

What we (and basically other users) need would be the approach to add users to specific groups and modify access rights for those groups (its a pain to clicky clicky on the web-interface for admins).

I understand that the CLI is basically a wrapper for the underlying perl code. I would rather use the CLI to be database conform / rt conform than devising a way to solve my problems in an unclean way.
Please update / tell us more about solving things via the CLI.

Updating the Wiki may be also a good step, but that can also be done by me, once the general approach / scope is clear.

e.g. References:
Batch Rights modification with CLI;#90712 Dec 10, 2009, 6:49 AM
Using CLI to modify group rights on a queue - is it possible?;#84106 Mar 20, 2009, 9:44 AM
