Changing Text on RT Login Page


We just moved a bunch of users to an RT instance that uses LDAP
authentication, as opposed to RT-specific passwords. Some of our
users don’t read our announcement e-mails (imagine that…) and are
trying to log in using their old RT-specific password, which is
causing them to send e-mails asking why they can’t log in.

What’s the “official” way to modify the login page’s HTML to include
some information about using their LDAP password?

Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A


We just moved a bunch of users to an RT instance that uses LDAP
authentication, as opposed to RT-specific passwords. Some of our
users don’t read our announcement e-mails (imagine that…) and are
trying to log in using their old RT-specific password, which is
causing them to send e-mails asking why they can’t log in.

What’s the “official” way to modify the login page’s HTML to include
some information about using their LDAP password?


There are a couple of ways, callbacks and local overrides. Callbacks
are more flexible and allow upgrades to continue to occur without

In share/html/Elements/Login there are a few callbacks:

$ grep -i callback share/html/Elements/Login
% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => ‘Header’ );
% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => ‘BeforeForm’ );
%# Give callbacks a chance to add more control elements
% $m->callback( %ARGS );
% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => ‘AfterForm’ );
