Change ticket status when pass due date


I was searching about this theme and I read that at now there is no
exist any script that check for any ticket that have passed the due date
and ,later, put the ticket in ‘stalled’.
I have read that it would be possible with rt-croontol, but that would
have to search all open tickets, new ,etc … and if that were true, if
our database has a large volume of tickets would be very inefficient not?

What module would be used in rt-croontol to search for these tickets?
There is some example?

Best regards


/ / Daniel Garc�a Mej�a
C E / S / C A Portals i Repositoris
/_/ Centre de Serveis Cient�fics i Acad�mics de Catalunya

Gran Capit�, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) - 08034 Barcelona
T. (NULL) - F. 93 205 6979 -

I was searching about this theme and I read that at now there is no
exist any script that check for any ticket that have passed the due
date and ,later, put the ticket in ‘stalled’.
I have read that it would be possible with rt-croontol, but that
would have to search all open tickets, new ,etc … and if that were
true, if our database has a large volume of tickets would be very
inefficient not?

What module would be used in rt-croontol to search for these tickets?
There is some example?

If you’re running into actual performance issues with rt-crontool,
please show the TicketSQL being used and the SQL generated along with
an explain plan.

rt-crontool is going to take the same syntax as you can build from the
Query Builder, so if you can build an inefficient date query there,
you can easily test and add indexes to your database.
