CF - article - image as attachment - link values to

I am running RT 4.0.13 on Centos 6.3.
I have configured CF for articles. Type of CF is “upload multiple
images”. When inserting article with that CF (for example, replying to
ticket), only the name (of image) is inserted, not the image itself. I
was thinking of bypassing that issue using embedded html (eg. ) and
CustomField . However, when inserting article into ticket reply,
attribute “Link values to” of that CF seems to be completely ignored
(plain value - name of the image - is inserted). Is it possible to take
into account attribute “Link values to” when inserting article into
ticket reply ?

I am running RT 4.0.13 on Centos 6.3.
I have configured CF for articles. Type of CF is “upload multiple images”.
When inserting article with that CF (for example, replying to ticket), only
the name (of image) is inserted, not the image itself. I was thinking of
bypassing that issue using embedded html (eg. ) and CustomField .
However, when inserting article into ticket reply, attribute “Link values
to” of that CF seems to be completely ignored (plain value - name of the
image - is inserted). Is it possible to take into account attribute “Link
values to” when inserting article into ticket reply ?

It would be good to have articles with images, but it’s not implemented in
any way. I think the easiest to implement approach would be to host images
out RT and put tags into articles. However, any approach would need


RT Training in Seattle, June 19-20:**training

Best regards, Ruslan.