I just recently move rt to a new machine and when run any of the
cli commands it gives me a “Bus Error” I’ve run install again without and
commented out the database creation part and still have the same problem.
If I use the WEB interface or send a message into a queue, the mailogs and
the apache logs give me a exited with status 10.
I wish I could provide more information but I don’t know what to foward, I
am baffled.
Sounds like you moved to something that’s not the same architecture and
didn’t recompile the C wrapper script.On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 03:14:19AM +0800, Maren S. Leizaola wrote:
I just recently move rt to a new machine and when run any of the
cli commands it gives me a “Bus Error” I’ve run install again without and
commented out the database creation part and still have the same problem.
If I use the WEB interface or send a message into a queue, the mailogs and
the apache logs give me a exited with status 10.
I wish I could provide more information but I don’t know what to foward, I
am baffled.
jesse reed vincent — root@eruditorum.org — jesse@fsck.com
pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
A REAL sysadmin challenge is “resurrect five dead mailserver while so ripped
to the gills on mdma that you can’t focus on any given line of text for more
than 10 seconds continuously.”
-Nathan Mehl
|Sounds like you moved to something that’s not the same architecture and
|didn’t recompile the C wrapper script.
I used the same OS, I recompiled the code, the suid wrapper runs OK…
I am going to try link the rtq to the mux.pl script to see if that does
|On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 03:14:19AM +0800, Maren S. Leizaola wrote:
|> Hello,
|> I just recently move rt to a new machine and when run any of the
|> cli commands it gives me a “Bus Error” I’ve run install again without and
|> commented out the database creation part and still have the same problem.
|> If I use the WEB interface or send a message into a queue, the mailogs and
|> the apache logs give me a exited with status 10.
|> I wish I could provide more information but I don’t know what to foward, I
|> am baffled.
|> Maren.
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