Blank "To" line

We have an issue with our users that they are including every email address
on the cc line. These emails should not create a ticket.

How can I make it so that if the “To” line is blank, then don’t create the

I did try a couple things but it seemed to be disabling ticket creation all


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Did you end up finding a solution to this problem?

If I had to implement a “fix” to prevent tickets from being created in this
situation, I’d probably try to handle it at the MTA level and not pass such
emails to rt-mailgate in the first place.

However, I’d probably try to solve this first by asking people not to CC RT
unless they specifically want a ticket to be created. It sounds like
perhaps your users would benefit from access to a “mailing list” email
address instead of CC-ing everyone.On 21 June 2014 04:51, AdamThomas wrote:

We have an issue with our users that they are including every email address
on the cc line. These emails should not create a ticket.

How can I make it so that if the “To” line is blank, then don’t create the

I did try a couple things but it seemed to be disabling ticket creation all


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RT Training - Boston, September 9-10