AW: - Re: permission denied rt-mailgate - Der Bayes'sche Filter hat eine Spam-Mitteilung entdeckt

Möhrle, Martin wrote:
Hello out there,
I have some trouble with receiving mail with rt 3.0.11. rt is set up and
running, sends mails but unfortunally does not accept sent mails. rt
answers sent mail with a mail like: subjekt: “Message not recorded”
body: “Permission Denied”.

as alias: General: “|/usr/bin/rt-mailgate-3.0 --queue General --action
correspond --url http://rtserver/rt/

rt is insalled on debian, apache 1.3.x, mysql, perl 5.8x.

Author of the message doesn’t have rights to create new Tickets in queue

that´s it! thanx a lot!mm