Autofill custom fields

Does anyone have a code snippet for autofilling custom fields based on the
entries of other custom fields?
For instance say you have a custom field for Location Name: XXXX
Then address custom field would autfill based on the entry for Location


Does anyone have a code snippet for autofilling custom fields based on the
entries of other custom fields?
For instance say you have a custom field for Location Name: XXXX
Then address custom field would autfill based on the entry for Location



I would do something like this , although I’m sure there are more elegant
I added more than you would need to accomplish it to show how to get at
certain bits.

I use this in the Custom Action Cleanup with an On Transaction Scrip

Hope this helps,


#Define the Custom Field Names Were Going to Play with.

my $CFName = 'Location Name;
my $CFToChange = ‘Address’;

#Transaction Association
my $txnObj = $self->TransactionObj;

my $ticketObj = $self->TicketObj;

my $queueObj = $self->TicketObj->QueueObj;

my $CFObj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $CFNewObj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);

#Grab the Custom Field were using for the switch.

#We dont necessarily need this, but hey here it is…

$CFObj->LoadByNameAndQueue(Name => $CFName, Queue => $queueObj->id);