Asset Tracker list in ticket custom field

I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to create a custom field
in a ticket that lists all of the assets in Asset Tracker. We would
like to be able to track changes made to each server in the network and
find it cumbersome to have to go to the asset first to create the ticket
or to find the asset number and manually add “at://” to
the refers to field. Any ideas, workarounds, complaints, ridicule are
much appreciated.



Keep in mind that the built in way creates links and you are talking about
using custom fields. Two very different things.

RT 3.6 has a callback that makes it easier to override how a custom field is
displayed in view and edit modes. What you want to do is make an “Enter
multiple values” CF but have it look like a pick list that is populated from
the asset list.


Now playing: Gorillaz - M1
posted with FoxyTunes 1/7/08, Matt Gilstrap wrote:

I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to create a custom field
in a ticket that lists all of the assets in Asset Tracker. We would like to
be able to track changes made to each server in the network and find it
cumbersome to have to go to the asset first to create the ticket or to find
the asset number and manually add “at://” to the refers to
field. Any ideas, workarounds, complaints, ridicule are much appreciated.



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Hi Matt

We solved it by using a Custom Field, which is populated every night by a cronjob. The cronjob script parses a specific Asset Type, ie Customer, and populates a CF named Customer.

There’s a Scrip which creates a link to the Asset automatically when creating a new ticket.

It works great, but may not be as pretty :slight_smile:

I’ve attached everything for you here. Hope it works out for you.

Btw. we’re using RT 3.6.5.


use warnings;
use strict;

use lib qw(/opt/rt3/local/lib /opt/rt3/lib);
use Getopt::Long;

use RT;
use RTx::AssetTracker;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Assets;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Asset;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Types;
use RTx::AssetTracker::Type;

my %args;

GetOptions(%args, ‘field=s’, ‘update’,‘replace’ ,‘help’, ‘verbose’);

if ($args{‘help’} || !($args{‘update’}||$args{‘replace’}) ){

Load customer assets

my $assetobj = RTx::AssetTracker::Assets->new($RT::SystemUser);
$assetobj->FromSQL(‘Type = “Customers” AND Status != “retired”’);

my $cf = RT::CustomField->new(RT->SystemUser);

$cf->Load( $args{‘field’} );
unless ( $cf->id ) {
die “Couldn’t find that custom field\n”;

if ( $args{‘replace’} ) {
my $values = $cf->Values;
my %map;

Clear all values

while ( my $value = $values->Next ) {


if ( $args{‘update’} || $args{‘replace’} ) {
my $values = $cf->Values;
my @current;


while ( my $value = $values->Next ) {

push @current, $value->Name;

while (my $asset = $assetobj->Next) {
unless ( grep { $asset eq $_ } @current ) {
print STDERR “Adding " . $asset . “\n” if ($args{‘verbose’});
my ( $ret, $val ) = $cf->AddValue( Name => $asset->Name.”|".$asset->Id );


print STDERR “Done\n” if ($args{‘verbose’});

sub help {

print <<EOF

$0 is a simple RT tool to add values to a custom field.
It takes several arguments:

–field The id or name of the custom field you’d like to work with
–update Add values to this field, but do not prune unused files
–replace Make the custom field contain only the values listed

This script expects a list of potential custom field values,
one per line to be fed to STDIN.


$0 --field “My CF Name” --update < list_of_values



Scrip “updateCustomerID”
Custom Condition
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj->Type;

If it’s not a Create or CustomField update, then exit

if ( $trans ne ‘Create’ && $trans ne ‘CustomField’ ) { return 0; }

Custom Action Cleanup code
my @tmp = split(/|/, $self->TransactionObj->OldValue);
my $old_value = $tmp[1];

@tmp = split(/|/, $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue(‘Customer’));
my $new_value = $tmp[1];

my $asset = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new($self->CurrentUser);
my ($id,$msg) = $asset->Load($new_value);
if (! $id) {
$RT::Logger->crit(“Could not load asset $new_value: $msg”);
return 0;
($id,$msg) = $self->TicketObj->AddLink(Type => ‘RefersTo’, Target =>
if (! $id) {
$RT::Logger->crit(“Could not AddLink: $msg”);
return 0;

If the value has changed, then delete old link

if ($old_value ne $new_value && $old_value) {
my ($id,$msg) = $asset->Load($old_value);
($id,$msg) = $self->TicketObj->DeleteLink(Type => ‘RefersTo’, Target =>
if (! $id) {
$RT::Logger->crit(“Could not DeleteLink: $msg”);
return 0;



Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Tommy Abrahamsson----- Original Message -----
From: “Matt Gilstrap”
Sent: 7. januar 2008 21:15:28 (GMT+0100) Europe/Berlin
Subject: [rt-users] Asset Tracker list in ticket custom field

I was wondering if anyone has figured out a way to create a custom field in a ticket that lists all of the assets in Asset Tracker. We would like to be able to track changes made to each server in the network and find it cumbersome to have to go to the asset first to create the ticket or to find the asset number and manually add “at://” to the refers to field. Any ideas, workarounds, complaints, ridicule are much appreciated.

