Any user committed time modification?

After trying to get rt-2-1-30.tar.gz working in a Apache2 environment
and being stopped cold over the non-support of Apache2 by mod-perl
(and not finding DBIx-SearchBuilder-0.62.tar.gz were I expected it to be…)
I opted to go back to a more standard Apache 1.3.X and rt 2.0.14.

Has anyone patched the code to instead Worked: [ ] you have
Start Time: [ ]:[ ] and Stop Time: [ ]:[ ] ?
I did not see such in the contrib directory at this time.

If anyone can let me know if this type of setup is possible, it would save
me days of trying to implement the impossible.

I have groups (each client is a group) Each group may
have more than one member. I’d like all the members of a group to be
able to see all tickets associated with that group, but no other group.
Even have the clients enter more info about tickets in their group.
Just not be able to see others tickets. I’ve got the group part down,
I just haven’t figured out how to stop seeing tickets that are not theirs.