3.6.1 userRight commentOnTicket=false will not hidecomment-Buttons

I found some pieces of code which trigger whether RT shows up
‘Comment’-Buttons or not.

Code pieces look like

…userHasRight(‘ModifyTicket’) .

Since we have to set ModifyTicket=true to all of our users so
that they
can change custom field values, we only want to allow a
minority of them
the right to create a comment.

So they have userRight ‘ModifyTicket’ but not ‘CommentOnTicket’.

So I changed that lines of Code to
…userHasRight(‘ModifyTicket’) .

for the effect, that ‘Comment’-Links disappear from Main menu and
Transaction menu and from SelectionList in Update-Forms.

Code changed in :

  • html/Ticket/Update.html
  • html/Ticket/ModifyAll.html
  • html/Ticket/Elements/Tabs
  • html/Ticket/Elements/ShowTransaction

Do you agree with this change or are there some side effects, which I
did not recognize?

Olaf, I did the same thing on 3.4.x code, and I haven’t noticed any
problems. I also did not like the fact that ModifyTicket implicitly
granted CommentTicket rights.

Eric Schultz
United Online